Other Appearances
Other Appearances
Hey everyone. As you can guess, this section of the site is for other appearances Selwyn had made on other T.V. shows, commercials, movies, etc. With the help of friends, and searching, this is where I'll put up any info of what he's doing after Power Rangers in Space.
Labatt Blue
Selwyn's first non-PR appearance is a commercial for a Canadian Alcoholic Beverage called "Labatt Blue". Lyanna, my sister site, was shocked to see him in it as I was to hear about it. Also, she tells me this particulary company makes the wierdest commercials, so don't be surprised if you're confused after you see the video. :) Anyway, here are some pictures and a video. Note: Please don't take these pictures or the video from this site. Lyanna took the time to get them for me and it would be rude and mean to pileage stuff. Also, if there is anyone who serves a higher authority and this is not suppose to be up, please email me, so I can take it down. I don't need any lawsuits right now. Thanks.

Here's the video of the commercial in Real Player form. If you wish to view it and do not have Real Player, you can download it at Real Networks. Happy viewing. :)
Selwyn's Power Rangers Lost Galaxy Guest Appearance
Well, it was true. After months and months of waiting, it happened. The Power Rangers in Space team up with the Power Rangers Lost Galaxy to stop the Psycho Rangers who were revived by Deviot. And here are some shots I got with the snappy. :)

A few years laters after the PRiS/PRLG team up... Selwyn makes another Power Rangers appearance and probably the last. I must admit, a rush of nostalgic feeling ran through me when I found out Selwyn was doing an appearance. Heck... I even spent the summer before the aired this in October 2002 watching the entire Space saga from beginning to end watching a few episodes each day. Anyway, it was awesome to see Selwyn again on PR, even if it was for one episode. My friend, Brian, was kind enough to get these pictures from the episode for me. Thanks, Brian.