Credits and Thanks
I'd like to thank some people for helping make this site possible. First of all, I like to thank Selwyn Ward for having such a cool character, in my opinion, and sort of sparked me to make this site. Thanks Sel. :) Secondly, I'd like to thank Patricia and Selwyn, The Power Core, and my friend Lyanna who runs The Dark Fortress for contributing pictures in the first four pages of the Selwyn Pictures. They helped out before I was able to obtain my own snappy. :) Also like to thank JT who runs The Selwyn Ward and Patricia Ja Lee Connection, the webmaster who runs Silver Net, and Michelle Pinky who runs The Official Patricia Ja Lee Fan Club for donating and giving sounds to this site before I learned how to record my own. :) Like to thank Chris Dunn who runs The Official Selwyn Ward Page for letting me use info on Selwyn here. :) Oh yeah, another thanks goes out to Lyanna for help with the site's new look, the javascript stuff. She's such an HTML genious. :) Thanks goes out to Lightning Cruiser for that PRT commercial. Lastly, I'd like to thank all my chat friends and the people who still continue to support this site and Selwyn as well. Thank you everyone, thank you very much. :)